True or False every church service (even funerals) start with the Thanksgiving prayer?
True or False
During the offertory the Lamb has already turned into Body
What is the significance of the Commemoration of the Saints?
True or False
The church is currently not participating in a fast
what is the key purpose of matins/vespers?
What prayer is recited to start the Offertory?
Hint: We repeat this prayer a lot... We believe....
The Creed
What is the only time period of the Church when the Synaxarium is NOT read?
The Holy 50 Days
What is this prayer called?
The Liturgy of the Faithful begins with this prayer, in which the congregation and clergy exchange peace.
The Prayer of Reconciliation
How many Sacraments do we have?
what does the litany of the departed during vespers symbolize?
Setting of the sun and the end of our lives
what is the significance behind Abouna washing his hands before picking the Lamb?
to symbolize the cleansing of sin
What are the deacons and congregation doing in between each reading and during the Priests Processions?
Chanting Hymns
True or False
The Fraction is the only part of the liturgy that can be changed according to the season?
What is the purpose and significance of the Nativity Fast?
Tells the story of the incarnation of Jesus
its prayed during matins in the middle of the week to pray for those going to work and traveling, but its NOT prayed on Sundays because everyone should be at church
What is the symbolism behind Abouna going around the altar after picking the lamb?
Simon the elder carrying baby Jesus around the temple.
List the readings in order
1. pauline
2. catholic epistle
3. Acts
4. Synaxrium
5. Gospel
what response do say that confirms our faith in Christs Death, Resurrection, and Ascension?
Hint: look at the question carefully
Amen Amen
Why do we Fast on Wednesday and Fridays?
Wednesday to commemorate Judas betraying Jesus.
Friday is to remember Christ's Crucifixion
What is something that is done multiple times during matins and vespers? why is significant?
Raising incense, its significant because this is the time when our prayers are going straight up to heaven.
In detail why does Abouna pick from an Odd number of Orbana's
Hint: think of what Abouna Rewies said on this
Christ sent his disciples 2 by 2 but he's always with them making it an odd number.
What does the Priest's procession around the entire church during the pauline Epistle Symbolize?
St. Paul's mission to spread the word of God all over the world.
What part in the liturgy does the Holy Spirit Descend to transform the bread and wine into Body and Blood?
The Institution Narrative
How many Major and Minor Feasts do we have?
7 Major
7 Minor