what is the Creed?
Yup! So bless up!
What does it mean when you hear Abouna saying "The Lord be with you"?
All I have to say is Abouna really means is ;)
How many times do you see Abouna making the sign of the cross?
What do you think it means when we respond “amen, we believe, we confess, we glorify”?
Because we love God
Can you recite the Creed?
I don't know... Can you? ;)
What does it mean to respond "Lord have mercy" when the deacon says "pray for perfect peace, love, and the holy apostolic greetings" ?
Because God is God!
What does it mean when you hear Abouna saying "Lift up your hearts"?
because leaving our hearts on the ground is not a good idea :/
What does Abouna mean when he says "You manifested yourself to us"?
God is ALWAYS here
What does the careful act of dividing and separating the bread remind you of?
Yk the Man
Why do we recite the Orthodox Creed in the beginning of the faithful?
You know!
In the hymn "through the intercession of the Theotokos..." what are we asking for?
God is God, but St. Mary is St. Mary!
What is the hymn of the Seraphim? Is it a biblical reference?
Isaiah knew it was to good not to share!
What does the censor represent with the lit charcoal inside?
The charcoal is on fire, just like our faith should be!
Sing “Amen Amen Amen”, extra points if in Coptic!
WOw! so beautiful!