Factors that Influence Liveability
Perceptions of Liveability
Measuring Liveability
Environment and Liveability
Water in the World

Explain what Attachment to Place means as a factor of liveability.

When a place is special and holds a lot of value to a person which influences where they want to live.


Name one thing an immigrant family consider when finding a liveable area?

Affordability, Culture and Ethnicity of the Neighbourhood, Education Opportunities, Household Type


What does the EIU mean when measuring Stability

The city or country is free from conflict, has low crime rates and a stable government.


Is climate a push or pull factor of liveability?

Pull. Climatic Extremes is a Push Factor


What is evaporation?

The stage in the water cycle where water turns into a gas (water vapour)


Explain what Culture and Ethnicity means as a factor of liveability.

People, especially Immigrants are more inclined to live with people of the same Ethnicity as them to find greater support as well as a sense of community.


Provide 3 examples of something a teenager would consider in a 'liveable' area?

Culture and Entertainment, Access to Food and Shopping, Proximity to School


What does EIU stand for?

Economist Intelligence Unit


Name one push factor to the liveability of an environment.

Extra 100+ points if you can explain what the push factor you provided is.

Pollution, Congestion, Climatic Extremes, Vulnerability to Natural Disasters, Water Shortages


What is a Choropleth Map?

Extra 50+ if you can finish this sentence:

"The higher the value, the ___________ the shade."

A map that shows data using different shades of colour

The higher the value the Darker the shade

Provide an example of what makes people Safe in a Neighbourhood

Police Station, Fire Station, Additional Lighting at night


What 3 things would a mature adult in her 40s consider when finding a liveable place.

Distance from work, Size of the house (based on household), Safety of the Neighbourhood, Employment Opportunities


How does the EIU measure Health Care?

There is access to hospitals and there are qualified doctors.


Does an area with more pull factors than push factors increase the prices of the houses in an area?

Yes as it makes it more liveable to live in and more competitive for people to buy a house there. Therefore, housing prices increase.


What is water scarcity?

When the demand for water exceeds the amount available.


Explain how travel time and transport influences the liveability of a place?

People of different ages need access to types of transport like buses and trains to get where they need to go (work, school, recreational activities) and also a relatively close distances and times . 


A couple in their 40s want to live someplace more quiet and cosy away from the fast paced life of the city. They prefer to be surrounded by nature. Would this couple benefit from living out in a Rural suburb?



How does the EIU measure Infrastructure?

There is access to Roads, Public Transport, Telecommunication and power sources are accessible and reliable and there is access to good sanitation and a safe water supply.


How does aesthetics influence the liveability of an environment?

Things that people find appealing around the environment will have a positive impact on those who live there.


List and explain the three types of water we use

Blue water - Earth's fresh surface water

Green Water - Water found in vegetation and plants

Grey Water - Domestic Water used in washing and dishes