True or False: The ligamentum venosum divides the caudate from the lateral left lobe
Drains the blood from the liver into the IVC
What is Hepatic Veins?
The diaphragm is superior and wraps around posteriorly to the liver
What is the relational anatomy of the diaphragm and liver?
Describes a transverse image taken at the porta hepatis
What is the "mickey sign"?
What is the major component of bile secreted by the liver?
Carries oxygenated blood from the aorta to the liver
What is Hepatic Arteries?
The gallbladder is posterior and inferior to the liver.
What is the relational anatomy of the gallbladder and liver?
The 3 structures located in the Porta Hepatis
What is the MPV, CBD, and HA?
The right kidney is posterior and inferior to the liver.
What is the relational anatomy of the right kidney and liver?
Provides the liver with approx. 75% of its blood supply via intestinal organs
The pancreas is inferior to the left lobe of the liver.
What is relational anatomy of the pancreas and liver?
Normal hepatic portal flow shown with color-flow Doppler imaging
What is Hepatopetal (toward the liver)?
The porta hepatis is anterior to the liver.
What is the relational anatomy of the porta hepatis and liver?