Digestive Systems
Digestion Terms
Formulating a Ration

Cloven hoofed mammals with four compartment stomachs that digest fibrous plant material as their energy source.

What are ruminants?


The largest compartment in a ruminant stomach. 

What is the rumen?


True or False: Hind gut fermenters lack the ability to regurgitate food.

What is True?


Ration of concentrates and roughages blended and fed free choice to the animal. 

What is a Total Mixed Ration (TMR)


What is the name of the method we use in class to calculate a ration?

What is the "Pearson Square" method?


Animals with a simple, one compartment stomach, with glands nearby to secrete acid and digestive enzymes. 

What is monogastric?


The "true stomach" of a ruminant and functions much like a monogastric stomach.

What is the abomasum?


The term that is given to regurgitated food and re-chewed by ruminants.

What is cud?


A specific combination of feeds in the amount needed to supply the daily nutrient requirements of the animal. 

What is a ration?


True or False: Dry matter is the portion of feed remaining after removing all the water. 

What is True?


This type of digestive system is home to the proventriculus.  

What is the avian (poultry) digestive system?


This avian digestive organ is a site for food storage before it continues on throughout the digestive system. 

What is the crop?


The process of breaking down food into simple substances like vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats, and carbohydrates that can be absorbed by the body is called.

What is digestion?


System of increasing weight on weaned calves until they are placed in a feedlot. 

What is backgrounding?


When subtracting the protein percentages across the Pearson Square, what are you left with in the corners?

What are the parts of each feed?


Horses, ostriches, and rabbits are animals that consume and digest high fiber food without a rumen are called?

What are hind gut fermenters?


Compartment attached to the rumen with a honeycomb like lining that acts as a colander (collector) of foreign objects. 

What is the reticulum?


This is the name of the organ that is enlarged in the digestive systems of hindgut fermenters that aids in fiber breakdown. 

What is the cecum?


Ration that supplies nutrients in the proper amount and proportion for and animal's maintenance, growth, and stage of life.

What is "balanced"?


If you have a ration that contains 67% corn and 33% soybean meal, how many pounds of corn would you need to fulfill a 2000lb ration?

What is 1340 lbs?


Describe 2 differences between ruminants and monogastrics. 

*monogastric animals have a single compartment stomach, ruminants have 4

*Ruminants are herbivores, but monogastrics are differing types with many being omnivores

*Ruminants regurgitate food to aid in digestion

*Ruminants have fewer teeth and use their tongue and incisors to rip off grass before chewing. 


The compartment commonly called "the book" with many leaf-like folds of stomach tissue that breaks down course food particles. 

What is the omasum?


List in order the 6 organs involved in the ruminant digestive system. 

Esophagus, reticulum, rumen, omasum, abomasum, small intestine, large intestine. 


Feeding strategy that uses highly digestible nutrient dense feed sources in a controlled feeding environment. 

What is limit-feeding?


Balance the following ration for 1500 lbs: 

34% protein needed

14% protein in corn gluten pellets

44% protein in distillers grain

What is:

495 lbs of corn gluten

1005 lbs of distillers grain