A female cow that has given birth
What is a Cow?
Young male horse.
What is a colt?
Act of giving birth for a pig.
What is farrowing?
Female sheep.
What is an Ewe?
An intact male goat.
What is a buck or a billy?
Cow with a mousey brown coat.
What is a Brown Swiss?
Horse with a dished face.
What is an Arabian?
Pigs with erect ears.
What is a shire?
Sheep with a white body with black head and white wool cap on the head.
What is a Hampshire.
What is an alpine?
Cow used by Chick-fil-A
What is a Holstein?
Breed that Secretariat was from.
What is a Thoroughbred?
Pig with long floppy ears that cover the eyes.
What is an American Landrace?
Sheep with an abnormally large dulap.
What is a Merino?
No eared goat.
What is a LaMancha?
A cow that produces high butterfat in milk.
What is a Jersey cow?
Native American horse.
What is a paint horse?
Reddish brown pig.
What is a Duroc?
Sheep with black or white head with white body.
What is a Dorper?
Body builder goat.
What is a boer goat?
The cattle with a dark red and white coat
What is an Aryrshire
Draft horse with a sorrel color.
What is a Belgian?
Pig with erect ears with a white belt on its front leg?
What is a Hampshire?
White sheep with wool on legs. Related to the Merino.
What is a Rambouillet?
The goat breed known for mohair production.
What is the Angora?