What is a sow?
A female big that has had a litter of piglets.
Is this a breeding or market animal?
Name a term used to describe a larger pig.
Larger Frame, Bigger Scaled, Longer Bodied, Later Maturing
What is one characteristic that can be used to describe any animal?
Structure, balance, muscle, big boned, etc.
Do you want a heifer to be feminine or rugged designed?
Is this a breeding or market animal?
Name a term used to describe a hog with the most muscle.
Heaviest muscled, Most powerful, thickest made, stoutest
What is one main characteristic that describes a female animal?
Maternal, clean neck and head, feminine
What is the two purposes of different sheep breeds?
Meat and Wool
Is this a breeding or market animal?
What is the first priority trait in a market animal?
A animal that has legs that slightly bend out word. The knees are facing out.
Bow legged
Is "shallow body" a positive term used in cattle production?
No, deep bodied, maternal made females are better suited for breeding and production.
Is this a breeding or market animal?
If a weather is hard to the touch and square at their loin, what is a simple word used to describe that?
Fresh. Example: "Fresh to the touch."