this is the number one city in brazil
what is sao paulo?
this is the first ethnicities
what is brancos?
this is the first holiday
what is independents day?
this is the first food dish
what is beiju?
214.3 million
what is the full population of brazil?
this is the second city in brazil
what is rio de janeiro?
this is the second ethnicities
what is pardo?
this is the second holiday
what is tiradentes?
this is the second food dish
what is feijao tropeiro?
105.7 millon
what is the male population?
this is the third city in brazil
what is brasilia?
this is the third ethnicities
what is pertos?
this is the third holiday
what is new year's day?
this is the third food dish
what is vatapa?
110 million
what is the female population in brazil?
this is the fourth city in brazil
what is salvador?
this is the fourth ethnicities
what is Amarelos?
this is the fourth holiday in brazil
what is Christmas?
this is the fourth food dish
what is Feijoada?
what is the number of children under 18 in brazil?
this is the fifth city
what is fortaleza?
this is the fifth ethnicities
what is IndÃgenas?
this is the fifth holiday
what is Oktoberfest?
this is the fifth food dish
what is Farofa?
how many teachers in brazil say they get along with their students?