Insured the right of workers to organize, provides for a national minimum wage and outlaws child labor.
National Industrial Recovery Act (1933)
This one is under Land &Wildlife Conservation
Ended free grazing on federal lands and created regulated grazing districts across the country, administered by a new Grazing Service in the Department of the Interior.
Taylor Grazing Act (1935)
Created under Emergency Conservation Act. Put unemployed, unskilled young men to work on rural and park improvements.
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) (1933)
21st amendment to the Constitution approved by Congress, followed by states.
Repeal of Prohibition (1933)
Land returned or added to tribal holdings, development of tribal businesses promoted, a system of credit established, a return to self-governance.
Indian Reorganization Act (1934)
Abolished and then re-formed the U.S. Employment Service (USES) into a more efficient agency; The USES helped reconnect jobless workers to the labor market.
Wagner-Peyser Act / U.S. Employment Service (1933)
This one is under Regulation of Trade, Transport, & Communications
Established the Civil Aeronautics Authority (CAA); later split into the Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) to regulate carriers and the Civil Aeronautics Administration (later, the Federal Aviation Administration) to control air traffic.
Civil Aeronautics Act (1938)
Transferred all national monuments and battlefields under the National Park Service by Executive Order, as well as federal buildings in Washington D.C.
Federal Parks Reorganization (1933)
Created to help facilitate trade with other nations; Began as two banks, consolidated into one in 1936.
Export-Import Bank (1934)
Rehabilitated the sugar and rum industries of the Virgin Islands; reduced unemployment; provided various farm services and loan programs; coordinated with a homesteading program.
Virgin Islands Company (1934)
Administers the Railroad Retirement Program, as well as many other benefit programs for rail industry workers.
Railroad Retirement Board (1934)
Improved public safety for consumers.
Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (1938)
A large tree-planting project in the Great Plains, to protect against wind erosion and to provide work for the unemployed.
Shelterbelt Project (1934)
Led to trade agreements with 19 countries between 1934 and 1939.
Reciprocal Trade Agreement Act (1934)
Large-scale public works program, hired thousands of unemployed men & women, long-lasting improvements to infrastructure, education, health, agricultural land, etc.
Puerto Rico Reconstruction Administration (PRRA) (1935)
Reaffirmed the right of collective bargaining, with rules and enforcement by a National Labor Relations Board (NLRB).
National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act) (1935)
Created the National Cancer Institute within the National Institute of Health.
National Cancer Institute Act (1937)
Created bird and wildlife refuges on federal land and created a sound funding system for purchasing marginal farmlands for new refuges.
Fish & Wildlife Conservation Acts (1934)
Established Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to regulate radio spectrum.
Communications Act (1934)
Extended provisions of the Indian Reorganization Act to these areas.
Indians in Oklahoma and Native Alaskans (1936)
Provided unemployment insurance and social security taxes on payrolls and paychecks.
Social Security Act (1935)
Construction, direct services, research assistance, and public information to aid public health.
Public Health Projects (1933)
Created Social Conservation Service (SCS) to help stop soil erosion and water loss on degraded farmlands, continuing the work of the emergency Soil Erosion Service (SES).
Soil Conservation Act (1935)
Also called the “Anti-Price Discrimination Act”; strengthened rules against monopolistic control and pricing (chiefly aimed at chain stores); complemented by Wheeler-Lea Act (1938).
Robinson-Patman Act (1936)
Under Civil & Criminal Justice
Investigated civil rights and civil liberties violations. Forerunner to today’s Civil Rights Division.
Civil & Criminal Justice