Positive Thinking
Flexibility, Accepting "no" & Compromising
Community Skills

True or False?

I can ask for help by screaming and throwing things.


I use my words to ask for help.

1. Take a deep breath.

2. Tell an adult "I need help."


What does it mean to be "inclusive" ?

Being welcoming and inviting. 


True or false?

Thinking positively means:

  • I can think of things I can do.

  • I can think of good things that happened.

  • I can think of things that I like.


Thinking positively means:

  • I can think of things I can do.

  • I can think of good things that happened.

  • I can think of things that I like.


True or False?

If someone says, “I don’t want help,” or “no thanks,” or “I got it,”

That’s okay!

We can respect their decision.

We can give them space.



We can be a good friend.

We can respect their decision.


True or False?

We walk on the crosswalk to cross the street.


We walk on the crosswalk to cross the street.


How can you self-advocate when someone is speaking too quietly?

"Say that again, please." 

"Say it louder, please."


Someone is talking. You are talking too. Are you being inclusive?


You are talking over each other!


True or false?

I can think positively with the Cooke School mantra.


I can think positively with the Cooke School mantra.


What is a compromise?

Talking it out.

Making a deal.

Everyone is happy.


What do these signs mean?

Walk - I can cross the street.

Stop - I need to wait until there are no cars and bikes to walk.


How can you advocate for yourself when your iPad dies?

I need help! My iPad is dead. 

I need to plug it in. I need to charge my iPad. 


How can we include others?

Take turns

Work together




Invite to talk or play 


I can be thankful for what I have and what I can do.

What are some people and things I am thankful for?

family, friends

food, clothes, 

home, school

books, toys, TV


True or false?

I still need to listen and follow directions when I’m angry or sad.


When I am angry or sad, I can take deep breaths, ask for a break, or ask for help.

I need to listen and follow directions when I am angry or sad. 


True or false?

Outside in the community, I can ask any stranger for help.


Outside in the community, I can ask my family for help.

I can ask only safe strangers for help. I can ask firefighters, EMTs, store workers, crossing guards, train conductors.


How can you advocate when you need to tie your shoes?

My shoelaces are loose. I need help.

Can you tie my shoes?


Someone is sitting by themself. You ask to play with them. 

Are you being a good friend?



Act it out! What can you say and do? 

Someone wants to play with you. You don’t want to play.

Take a deep breath. Ask for a break. Ask for help. I can say, 

I need some space right now. 

I'm doing something else now.

I can play with you another time.


True or false?

Sometimes people tell me “no.”

I don’t get to do what I want to do. 

I can talk it out and make a compromise.

I can get what I want later, or I can get something else I want. 


I can take a deep breath and go with the flow. 

I can be flexible!

I can talk things out and make a compromise.


Act it out!

You are grocery shopping with your Mom and you can’t find her in the store.

Who do you ask for help? What do you say?

I can ask the store cashier or stocker for help.

I can say, "I need help finding my mom."


Someone is holding your hand. You do not want to hold their hand.

How can you advocate?

No thank you.

Personal space please.

I need space.


You said to a friend, "You cannot play with us." 

Are you being an inclusive friend?


I can be inclusive and a good friend by playing with everyone. 


Act it out! What can you say and do? 

I don’t want to do school work. It’s too hard!

Take a deep breath. Take a break.

I can do hard things! 

I’ve done it before and I can do it again. 

I can ask for help.


Act it out! What can you say and do?

We can’t go on the roof for recess because it is raining.

Take a deep breath. Ask for a break. Ask for help.

I can say, "Okay, I will be flexible. I will go somewhere else for recess today. We'll go to the roof again next time when it is not raining."


Act it out!

You go to the deli near your apartment. You are about to leave but forgot which way to turn to get back to your street.

Who do you ask for help? What do you say? 

(Use the name of the street you live on.)

I can ask the cashier. I can say, "I need help. Where is ______?"