six days. The 7th day HE rested
God told Noah exactly how to build an arc. How many doors did it have?
1 door. (God Himself closed the door after Noah, his family and the animals were on board)
What is the Capital of Israel
What do you throw out when you want to use it but take in when you don't want to use it?
An anchor
How many days and nights did it rain when Noah was on the arc?
Which is the definition of an idol in bible :
a. a church pew b. a lazy person c. celebrity stars
d. false god
d. false god
What is the Capital of United Kingdom
What is harder to catch the faster you run?
Your breath
Which of these did not have their name changed in the Bible?
a. Sara b. Abraham c: Jacob d: David e: Peter
d: David
Sarah was Sarai ( Gen 17:15)
Abraham was Abram (Gen 17:5)
Jacob became Israel ( Gen 32:28)
Peter was Simon (John 1:42)
Which is a true statement from the bible.
God is Spirit: worshipper must worship in:
a. Spirit and Soul b. Spirit and Head
c. Spirit and Idols d. Spirit and Truth
d: Spirit and Truth (John 4:23-24)
What is the Capital of Ireland
What occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment and never in 1000 years?
the Letter " E"
The Bible teaches us that man is a three fold being. Which one of these is the correct answer.
a: Body , Head and Spirit
b: Body , Head and Soul
c. Body, Soul and Spirit
d. Head, Spirit and Soul
c: Body, Spirit and Sout
What was Matthew's occupation before he became an apostle?
He was tax collector (for the Roman government)
What is the Capital of Vietnam?
What's at the end of the rainbow?
The letter "W"
The Bible states that the penalty of sin is?
a. Crucifixion b. Imprisonment c. Spiritual Death d. Deportation
c: Spiritual Death
Which book comes first. The book of Psalm or Proverbs?
What is the capital of Singapore?
What kind of ship has two mates but no captain?
A relationSHIP.