What is the first Air Force Core Value?
Integrity first
What is the Holm Center Mission Statement
We build leaders.
Describe the insignia for Cadet Fourth Class (C/4C)
One chevron
Describe the insignia for Cadet Captain (C/Capt)
Two thick lines.
Greet Cadet Hambel at 0700 (outside in PTGs).
"Good Morning, Cadet Hambel."
What is the second Air Force Core Value?
Service before self
What is the Air Force Mission Statement?
To fly, fight and win... airpower, anytime, anywhere.
Describe the insignia for Cadet Third Class (C/3C)
Two chevrons.
Describe the insignia for Cadet Major (C/Maj)
Two thick lines, one thin line.
Greet Captain Malone and Lt. Colonel Everhart at 1200 (outside in CEs).
"(Salute) Good Afternoon, Lt. Colonel Everhart. Good Afternoon, Captain Malone."
What is the third Air Force Core Value?
Excellence in all we do.
What is the AFROTC Mission?
Develop Air and Space Force leaders of character whom we expect to fight and win our nation's wars.
Describe the insignia for Cadet Second Lieutenant (C/2d Lt)
One thick line.
Describe the insignia for Cadet Lieutenant Colonel (C/Lt Col)
Three thick lines.
Greet Cadet Melka, Cadet Sekas, and Cadet Teague at 1700 (inside building).
"Good Evening, gentlemen."
What is the Air Force Honor Code?
We will not lie, steal, or cheat, nor tolerate among us anyone who does.
What is the AFROTC Field Training Mission?
Train and evaluate cadets in AF institutional competencies preparing them for the professional officer course.
Describe the insignia for Cadet First Lieutenant (C/1st Lt)
One thin line, one thick line.
Describe the insignia for Cadet Colonel (C/Col)
Four thick lines.
Greet Tech Sergeant Salas and Tech Sergeant Pengeston at 1130 (outside in CEs).
"Good Morning, Tech Sergeant Salas. Good Morning, Tech Sergeant Pengeston."