Effect of Mr. Photo and Mr. Electric
Is it a wave? Is it a particle? No- it's duality!
A is for atom
Junk Drawer

The three effects that lead to our broken hearts over classical physics (we've touched on broad ideas and now want the specifics) 

What are the emision spectra of H, blackbody radiation, and the photoelectric effect?


The work function of a silver surface is 4.73 eV. It's what would happen if the silver is hit with a photon with 2.5 eV of energy.

What is nothing? (just bounces off the surface)


What Rutherford's gold foil experiment demonstrated.

What is the positive charge in an atom must reside in a dense core smaller than the atom (i.e. the nucleus)?


The relationship between wavelength and frequency...

What is inversely proportional?


A type of radiation that causes vibrations within molecules...(also heats up food)

What is IR radiation?


The illiterate combo that means discrete packets of quantized traveling EM radiation and the gent who named it.

What is photon and Planck?


You shoot a beam of 4.5 eV light at a metal surface and notice that electrons are being released from the metal. It is what will happen if you then increase the intensity of the 4.5 eV light.

What is more electrons would be released?


It is what happens when an atom absorbs a photon of light, electrons...

What is move up an energy level?


The frequency of light that has a wavelength of 3 meters...

What is 1x10^8 Hz


The type of radiation that can be energetic enough to excite valence electrons.

What is UV/Visible light?


The result of increasing the energy of a photon hitting a metal plate vs. increasing the number of photons hitting a metal plate in terms of ejected electrons.

What is increasing the energy of the electron vs increasing the number of released electrons?


The scientist who's explanation of the photoelectric effect led to our understanding of the wave/particle duality of light?

Who is Einstein?


It is what happens when an electron moving from the 3rd energy level to the 1st energy level... 

What is emit a photon?


When two waves are in phase and out of phase, respectively..

What is constructive and destructive interference?


The word chemists should never use...

What is stuff?


Classical mechanics would have predicted this from emission spectra versus what actually appeared.

What is being able to see all visible wavelengths of light instead of the specific spectra lines we see indicating discrete energy levels.


What the principle quantum number (n) describes.

What is the energy levels distance of electrons from the nucleus?


The scientist associated with the discovery of the electron...

Who is Thomson?


What causes nuclear spin...

What are radio waves?


The name of Mrs. Ford's favorite class...

What is - she can't have one :) ?

What I would do to increase the speed of the ejected electron (in terms of wavelength and/or frequency).

What is increase the frequency/decrease the wavelength?


The wavelength that can be generated from a 1g marble.

What is 10-31m?


The Greek philosopher who proposed atomos...

Who is Democritus?


The spectrum for visible light in nm.

What is 400 to 700 nm?


DOUBLE JEOPARDY- The two FULL names for Mrs. Ford's beans...

What is AnnaLissa Genevieve Marie Grifford & Ashtonne Richard Morgan Grifford?