Who Saw it First?
The Countries Have It?
Exploring Anyone?
Odds and Ends
Who saw North America first? a. Columbus b. Vikings c. Native Americans d. Prince Henry
c. Native Americans
This country was the leader in New World exploration. a. Spain b. Portugal c. France d. England
a. Spain
Though he died before its end, his voyage proved the world was round. a. Columbus b. Drake c. Magellan d. Ericcson
c. Magellan
What are the wars for control of the Holy Land called. a. Jerusalem b. Crusades c. Reformation d. Pilgrimage
b. Crusades
Why did Europeans want to find a new trade route to Asia? a. to spread Christianity b. to trade for spices and other goods c. to prove the world was round d. to colonize Asia
b. to trade for spices and other goods
What did Columbus claim for Spain? a. Asia b. North America c. Mexico d. Bahamas
d. Bahamas
After defeating Spain, this country began to send settlers to the New World. a. Spain b. Portugal c. England d. France
c. England
He pirated Spanish ships and gave the gold to England. a. Magellan b. Hudson c. Drake d. Cartier
c. Drake
A movement to correct problems in the Catholic Church is called. a. Crusades b. Renaissance c. Reformation d. Holy Wars
c. Reformation
The water route through North America sought by explorers was called - a. Strait of Magellan b. Northwest Passage c. Isthmus of Panama b. Bering Strait
b. Northwest Passage
He was the first explorer to cross Panama and see the Pacific. a. Balboa b. Ponce de Leon c. Columbus d. da Gama
a. Balboa
This country sponsored Christopher Columbus' voyage. a. Spain b. Portugal c. England d. France
a. Spain
He started a school for sailors and financed expeditions to the coast. a. Prince Henry b. King Ferdinand c. King Henry d. Prince John
a. Prince Henry
A time of re-birth. a. Crusades b. Renaissance c. Reformation d. Holy Wars
b. Renaissance
Using stars, this devices helped sailors figure out the distance north or south from the Equator. a. caravel b. compass c. rudder d. astrolabe
d. astrolabe
Who were the first Europeans to come to America? a. Portugese b. Vikings c. Spanish d. Columbus
b. Vikings
Prince Henry the Navigator was from what country? a. Spain b. Portugal c. England d. France
b. Portugal
He wrote of his journey to China. a. Balboa b. Mansa Musa c. Marco Polo d. da Gama
c. Marco Polo
The movement of goods and people between America and Europe. a. Columbian Exchange b. Renaissance c. Reformation d. Mercantilism
a. Columbian Exchange
Portuguese sailors traded along the coast of West Africa, because of an abundance of a certain resource found there. a. silk b. wine c. furs d. gold
c. furs
Who was the first explorer to reach the Cape of Good Hope? a. Balboa b. da Gama c. Diaz d. Magellan
c. Diaz
Marco Polo traveled to and lived in this country for 17 years. a. Spain b. China c. India d. Italy
b. China
The new world was named after this person. a. Amerigo Vespuci b. America Ferrara c. Duke of York d. Lord Baltimore
a. Amerigo Vespuci
The agreement that separated the land between Spain and Portugal. a. North American Agreement b. Coronado Accords c. Equatorial Division d. Line of Demarcation
d. Line of Demarcation
Which of the following is not a reason for increased exploration by Europeans. a. competition for trade b. Vikings discovery of Greenland c. desire for power and wealth d. mercantilism
Vikings discovery of Greenland