Case, gender, # of celebris puella
fem, sing. nom.
Pres. act. inf. of fugio, -ere
Who delivered the speeches against Catiline?
The Aeneid contains how many total books?
Sallust uses patres as a stand in for what group of Romans?
Case, gender, # of acrium donorum
gen, neuter, plural
1st plural act. of scio, -ire
The city is perturbed/disturbed
Translate: Pauci fugere possunt
(A) few are able to escape/flee
What does i.e stand for in Latin?
Id est
Case, gender, # of felices agricolas
Acc., plural, male
3rd plural pres. active of venio, -ire
Translate: Clamores mulierum in urbe audiuntur
Shouts of women are heard in the city
Translate: Milites fortes in equo occultantur
Brave soldiers are concealed/hidden in the horse
Name three of the seven hills of Rome
Capitoline, Quirinal, Viminal, Esquiline, Caelian, Aventine, Palatine
acri animali
pres. pass. of inf. of capio, -ere
Translate: Animus Catilinae mala consilia parat
The mind of Catiline devises bad plans
Translate: Graeci armati ex equo in urbem exeunt
What is Sallust's birthdate within 5 years?
86 B.C.
Provide the acc. plural of "the happy/fortunate heads"
felicia corpora
2nd person sing. passive of cupio, -ere
Translate: Tandem Catilina dicit patres non debere verba Ciceronis
Finally Catiline says that the fathers/senators ought not listen to the words of Cicero
Translate: Mala et Troianis funesta a militibus Graecis in equo occultatis parantur
One of Sallust's monographs is the de coniuratione Catilinae. What is the other one?
Bellum Iugurthum (Jugurthine war)