He was left in a river as a baby and was the grandson of a powerful king.
freedom from disturbance; tranquility.
Video that warns you of the consequences of social media.
Si usas las redes, no te enredes!
La madre de Jesus
This person built a box for him and his family along with multiple animals.
the ability to control oneself, in particular one's emotions and desires or the expression of them in one's behavior, especially in difficult situations.
He was ordered to warn a nation of their sins and was corrected with the use of a plant vine.
La historia de Jonás, una lección de valentía y compasión
Fue la madre un profeta. Le habı́a prometido a Jehová en oŕación que, si tenı́a un hijó, lo llevarı́a al tabernacúlo
He was raised in Rome and went to prison multiple times.
a feeling or deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements.
Shows a kid about to get hit by a car, loosing sleep, being distracted because of his phone
¿Vives pegado a tus dispositivos electrónicos?
confiaba en Jehová por que escondió a los espı́as, les pidió que protegieran a su familia
He was sold by his brothers.
intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth, power, or food.
Caleb quiere jugar con un mago de jugete. Algo que Jehova odia.
Obedece a Jehová
Joven huérfana que se casó con el rey persa Asuero. Arríesgó su vida al denunciar una conspiracion para acabar con los judı́os
Was baptized when he was 33 and preached the good news until his death.
complete trust or confidence in someone or something.
Una mujer que empezó a trabajar con su familia para ganar mas dinero, tuvo mucha ambición, y al final asistió a la conmemoración.
Acuérdate de la esposa de Lot
Fiel viuda moabita que ayudó a Noemı́ su suegra.