Lobos are...
LHS Facts
Sports & Clubs at the 'Rock
Lobo Staff
Littlerock Administration

This is what the “K” stands for in Lobos ROCK

What is Kind?


These are the three Littlerock school colors.

What are Green, Blue, and Silver?


What are two sports recently added?

What are Flag Football and Esports?


This Lobo started teaching at LHS back in 2006 and has taught AVID, Health, and the new Urban Scholars class.  

Before teaching: A Social Worker. 

Favorite pastime: Pickleball.

Who is Mr. Cooper?


The administrator over Athletics who started out as an Agriculture teacher back in 2004 and played college soccer.

Who is Mr. Love?


This is what the “R” stands for in Lobos ROCK

What is Respectful?


This is the name of our school mascot.

Who is Larry the Lobo ?


This club exists to promote community service and recognize high standards of scholarship and commitment; students need to reapply every semester!

What is CSF (California Scholarship Federation)?


This security personnel has been at Littlerock the longest, currently in their 14th year.

Who is Gilbert?


Beginning as a CTE teacher of Accounting, Business Information Technology,  Computer Graphics, and Algebra 1, this Administrator has been in education for 24 years, 19 of them in Administration.

Who is Mr. Berryman?


This Core Value means you are “loyal and willing to give your time and energy to something that you believe in."

What is Committed?


This is the name of the bulletin that is aired weekly and is filmed and posted by Coach Tony and his CTE students.

What is “The Howler” ?


This team practices off campus at Dry Town because we do NOT have a pool on the roof of the school!

What is the Swim Team?


This Lobo Staff is in charge of AVID as well as being our Head Counselor and “loves surfing in Hawaii and visiting California Adventure every month!”.

Who is Mr. Walls?


This person is the administrator over Special Education. They originally started in education as a Science Teacher in 2008 and is an avid snowboarder.  

Who is Mrs. Morey?


This Core Values means “treating others the way I want to be treated; to be considerate and honor the feelings, opinions, and property of others”.

What is Respectful?


“The Rock”, which sits in front of the main student entrance, was set there during this school year: 

2009    2012    2015    2018  

What is 2015?


This club, led by Mrs. Hernandez, helps new students find their classes and facilitates activities once a month with Freshman English classes.

What is Link Crew?


This Lifelong Lobo is part of Littlerock’s very first graduating class of 1993 and has been working here at LHS not only in the classrooms, but also as a Coach for over 20 years, with a lineup that includes Football, Basketball, Cross-Country, and Tennis.

Who is Pete Kornoff?


This administrator started in social sciences and was a teacher here at LHS for __ years. 

They have an affinity for horror and is currently in charge of Activities. 

Who is Ms Kirkendall?


This Core Value means to “show consideration and tolerance for others and their ideas.”

What is Open-minded?


This is the Year that Littlerock High School was first established: 

1972    1989    1993    2001 

What is 1989?


This staff member is one of only 5 persons who has been working at Littlerock High School for over 25 years.

Who is (any ONE from the following list):

Mr. Henderson

Mr. Ramirez


This administrator graduated from Palmdale High School and started working as a Math teacher. 

He is currently our head Principal.

Who is Mr. Barajas?