Coaches Comments
Bowman Buzzer Beaters
Soccer Rules & Fouls
Warm-up Music
Famous Last Words and Mess ups

You’re winding up for a shot, and right as your foot is about to make contact, your coach yells this as if you weren’t already doing it.

what is "SHOOT!"?


Usually, the first thing people tease him about, and you can spot drawings of him hanging in his classroom, with this as the focal point.

What is his Bald Head.


If you talk back to the ref one too many times, you'll receive this small but powerful piece of paper.

What is a Yellow Card?


I know that one!

What is Viva La Vida by Coldplay


The moment right before a defender completely misses the ball

What is "I got this!"


Your team is losing 5-0, but at halftime, your coach says, “It’s still this!”

What is "0-0!"


In practice, when this player messes up a drill, there’s a pretty good chance they’ll hear their name yelled louder than anyone else’s.

Who is "Regan"


This rule exists just to make sure forwards don’t get too comfy standing by the goal waiting for a pass.

What is Offsides?


listen and tell.

What is Breakin' Dishes by Rihanna


In some cultures, players believe it’s unlucky to do this before a game, which is why many players avoid talking about their performance.

What is talking about winning


Your coach tells you, “Good idea!” but you know deep down it actually means this.

What is "That was terrible, but I’m trying to be nice." (or something like that)


Bowman's favorite losing team seated at 15th in the Premier league table

What is Man United


This illegal move is what happens when a defender suddenly thinks they’re playing basketball instead of soccer.

What is a Handball?


The viral🎵"meow meow meow meow"🎵 tune the actual song winning an Oscar

What is What Was I Made For? by Billie Eilish


Before a game starts and after missing an easy goal, players often shrug and claim this.

What is “It’s just a warm-up!”?


After you try a new move or something risky coach repeats this phrase.

What is "Just play simple!"


This game, invented by Eva and Sienna, is played by those sitting on the bench and involves a mix of luck, listening, and laughter. 

What is Bowman Bingo


This dramatic move is when a player acts like they got hit by a truck but was actually just slightly tapped.

What is flopping? (or diving)

Heard at every warm-up and on the bus, this was Ruthie's favorite artist to listen to. Also, the leading singer of the last few years in terms of popularity and sales.

Who is Taylor Swift?


Something you say when you try to cross the ball to your teammate and instead you score a goal.

What is "I meant to do that"?


After you miss a shot, skying it over into the field goal, coach yells this.

What is "Get your head over the ball!" or "Lean forward"


Surprisingly this wasn't Bowman who was kicked off the sideline last year during Euros for yelling.

Who is Coach Kelly


Technically illegal, but only if the ref actually notices you blocking a free kick before it’s taken.

What is encroachment?


You'll never get this! Need a hint?

What is Come and Get Your Love by Redbone


This is the classic line a parent shouts when a referee makes a bad call, especially when they're sure the other team is getting all the breaks.

What is “Are you even watching the game?!”?