What is Lonnie's full name?
Lonnie Collins Motion
What kind of poem is a tribute to an object or person?
Who is Lonnie's sister?
What test did Lonnie fail?
What kind of figurative language uses "like" or "as"?
Where does Lonnie like to go to think and look at the stars?
The roof
What is a stanza or poem that contains 8 lines?
Who is Lonnie's guardian?
Miss Edna
How much did Lonnie weigh when he was born?
4 lbs
What kind of figurative language gives objects human emotions or characteristics?
Who does Lonnie have a crush on?
What type of poetry is the poem Georgia on page 40?
Who is Lonnie's teacher?
What does Lili tell Lonnie and give him after he visits her at Lili's new home?
"God is everywhere" and gives him a Bible
What kind of figurative language compares two unlike things?
How old was Lonnie when his parents died?
Who is the Epitaph poem dedicated to?
Lonnie's mama
What disease does Eric have?
Sickle cell anemia
On what day did the fire occur?
December 9th
What kind of figurative language is "the ideas in my head went out like a candle" (page 1)?
Does Lonnie think poetry is easy or difficult to write?
What kind of poetry is considered a little song?
What is Miss Edna's son's name?
What does Rodney call Lonnie and how does that make him feel?
He calls him Little Brother and it makes him excited
What is the difference between literal and figurative meaning?
Literal means word for word what the writer is saying.
Figurative is the picture the words are painting or the deeper message that is being conveyed.