Logan's dog's name.
What is Nala?
Where Logan and Tyler met.
What is PT School? (Temple)
This boy is from a band of three brothers. They sing together and are super cute, well 2 of the 3 are.
Who is Joe Jonas?
This power couple was rocked by infidelity because of Becky with the good hair.
Who is Beyonce and Jay-Z?
The worst boyfriend Logan has ever had.
Who is John? (pooper)
Logan's favorite alcoholic beverage.
What is a Moscow Mule?
The destination the bride and groom are traveling to on their honeymoon.
What is Greece?
A rapper that has songs titled "I'm Goin In" and "Lollipop"
Who is Lil Wayne?
Liam Hemsworth was engaged to this actress before he fumbled the bag.
Who is Miley Cyrus?
Logan's first time doing the deed was with this fellow.
Matthew Mingey.
This is Logan's star sign.
What is Cancer?
This is the year they took their relationship to the next level and had a baby. A fur baby.
What is 2021?
The name of Logan's first boyfriend in 5th grade.
Who is Alex Rudi?
Jessica Biel is married to this actor.
Who is Justin Timberlake?
This is the official number of boyfriends Logan has had.
What is 5??
Logan's favorite show.
What is ?
This place is where the bride and groom love to have date nights.
Where is ??
Freshman year of high school Logan made out with this boy for the first time ever back the woods.
Who is Tyler Herbetko?
This actress is married to an Australian singer.
Who is Keith Urban?
The first boy Logan held hands with was this guy. Legend says she called her mom to ask if it was cool before doing so.
Who is Alex Rudi?
This position is Logan's favorite.
What is being a top?
On this day in 2022, Tyler proposed to Logan.
What is March 5th?
Logan still has a crush on this man who is portrayed by Chace Crawford in the book turned television series.
Who is Nate Archibald?
Brad Pit and Angelina Jolie got divorced after being married for this amount of years.
What is 2 years?
This is the Bride to Be's body count.
What is ???