All : Universal :: Some :
What is "Particular"?
The other nine categories after "substance".
What are "accidents"?
Held the philosophical position of "moderate realism"
Who is "Aristotle"?
The broad category of fallacy concerned with the structure of arguments.
What is "formal fallacy"?
What are "subject and predicate"?
Term : Clear :: Proposition :
What is "true"?
The category concerned with the essence or nature or subject.
What is "substance"?
Deduction reasons from ________ truths.
What is "universal"?
"Either you love ice cream or you hate it."
What is "Either/Or"?
The specific term for the word "is" in a proposition.
What is "copula"?
Word : Term :: ____ : Thought (or Logic)
What is "language"?
The doctor has several friends.
What is "quantity"?
The product of the first act of the mind.
What is "a concept"?
"This one question on the test is difficult. Therefore, the whole test must be difficult."
What is "part to whole fallacy"?
The word used to specify a universal quantity in a proposition.
What is "all"?
[change your clothes : loose change] : equivocal :: [the art of painting : the art of music] : ____
What is "analogical"?
The truck was driven until the tires were bald.
What is "passion"?
The school of logic which disregards the truth of propositions and their correspondence to reality for the sake of exactitude and sophistication.
What is "modern symbolic logic"?
"Have you stopped worshipping idols"?
What is "complex question"?
The distribution of the predicate in the "Very Tricky O" proposition.
What is "distributed"?
[genus : species] : comprehension :: [__ : __] : extension
What is "species : genus"?
The king sat upon his throne clad from head to toe in his finest armaments.
What is "possession"?
The philosophical position that observes that "human reason can know objective reality, and can sometimes know it with certainty".
What is "Epistemological Realism"?
"The truth is that all truths are relative."
What is "contradictory premises"?
That proposition with the same distribution in subject but different distribution in predicate as an "I" proposition.
What is "O"?