Statements that support or imply the conclusion.
What is the premise?
Now answer "can an argument have more than one premise"?
A deductive argument with two premises and three terms
What is a syllogism?
A representation of a syllogism, having statements in standard order with standard abbreviations of its terms.
What is schema?
The premise that contains the major term
What is the major premise?
The premise that contains the minor term
What is the minor premise?
The point or terminus of the argument, the statement that appears supported by the premise
What is the conclusion?
Now answer: "Can an argument have more than one conclusion?"
A syllogism consisting of three statements in categorical form
What is a categorical syllogism?
What is mood?
The term that is in both premises but is not in the conclusion
What is the middle term?
Now answer: What letter is used for the middle term?
The subject term of the conclusion; used in one premise
What is the minor term?
Now answer: What letter is used for the minor term?
A set of statements, one of which appears to be implied or supported by the others
What is an argument?
The minor term, the major term, and the middle term
What are the three terms of a syllogism?
A number from 1 to 4 identifying the placement of a middle term.
Because it connects the premises together
Why is the middle term called the middle term?
1 - major premise, 2 – minor premise, 3 - conclusion
What is the standard order for statements in a syllogism?
Premise and Conclusion
What are the two types of statements in an argument?
P is M
S is M
What is a Figure 2 syllogism?
M is P
S is M
What is a Figure 1 syllogism?
P is M
M is S
What is a Figure 4 syllogism?
M is P
M is S
What is a Figure 3 syllogism?
Therefore, thus, so, & consequently
Since, because, for, and give, that
What are some words that indicate you are about to hear the conclusion?
What are some words that indicate you are hearing the premise?
The predicate of the conclusion; used in the other premise
What is the major term?
Now answer: What letter is used for the major term?
Give the mood and figure:
All students are geniuses.
Some blondes are students.
Consequently, some blondes are geniuses.
What is the form AII-1 figure?
Give the mood and figure:
Some speeches are sermons.
No sermons are short events.
Thus some short events are not speeches.
What is the form IEO-4?
Give the mood and figure:
No men are women.
All mothers are women.
Therefore, some mothers are not men.
What is the form EAO-2?