Word Riddle
Word Algorithm
Number Algorithm
Logical Math
Math Logic Equations

I have a bed but do not sleep;

I have a mouth but do not speak;

Too much of me, you'll die;

Too little, you'll also die.



Nice is to mean as

___ is to cold.



1, 3, 5, 7, 9.



Clementine does 3 homework assignments every 1 day (I wish!). Theo does 1 homework assignment every 3 days. How many times faster does Clementine do homework than Theo?

9 times.


Find the equation: Clementine does 3 homework assignments every 1 day. Theo does 1 homework assignment every 3 days. How many times faster does Clementine do homework than Theo?

3 * 3.


You hit me hard, and I will fly;

You tap me soft, and I will fall;

Seven stick, nine stick, changes how high;

I'm small and tiny, I look like a ball;

Golf ball.


Water is to pipe as

___ is to wire.



1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13

Number plus number behind it = next number.

AKA Fibonacci Sequence.


"A dollar bill is exchanged for 9 coins. Using only quarters, dimes, and nickels, how many nickels were used if there were more dimes than nickels?" -Quoted from Clementine's extra credit workbook

1 nickel. (1 quarter, 7 dimes, 1 nickel).


Find the equation: Make a number that fits in both blanks:

50 - __ = __ + 12.

(50 - 12) / 2.


I'm a box without hinges, doors, or lids,

yet golden treasure inside me is hid.



Page is to book as

___ is to word.



15, 23, 17, 25, 19, 27

First number, skip one plus two, third number, skip on plus two, etc. (Same with 2, 4, and 6 numbers).

"Use the facts to find the number. Facts: 1. The number has three digits. 2. All the digits are even. 3. All the digits are different. 4. The sum of the digits is 16. 5. The smallest digit is in the unit's place and the largest is in the hundred's place. What is the number?" -Quoted from Clementine's extra credit workbook



Find the equation: Clementine is 32 years old and is 4 times as old as Theo. Four years ago she was ___ times as old as Theo was then.

(32 - 4) / (32 / 4 - 4).


Good to have good

Aim, because it helps in this. he

Makes so many points it's

Enough to beat it.



Fingers are to arm as

___ are to tree branches.



1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49

 First number = 1*1, second number = 2*2, third number = 3*3, etc.


Clementine is selling 4 ounces of gold. Today, January 1, gold is worth $3 an ounce. Everyday gold's selling price inflates by 1 cent. If Clementine sells 1 ounce of gold every January 1 (including today), how much would she have made with all of her gold?

$33.91. First year = 3. Second year = 6.65. Third year = 10.30. Fourth year = 13.95. Leap year bonus: 0.01. Total = 33.91.


Find the equation: Clementine is 160 cm tall. Theo is 20 cm taller than twice the length of one fourth of Clementine. How tall is Theo?

[(160 / 4) * 2] + 20.


"This thing all things devours;

Birds, beasts, trees, flowers;

Gnaws iron, bites steel;

Grinds hard stones to meal;

Slays kings, ruins towns,

And beats mountains down." -Quoted from a book

Time. (P.S. Quoted from The Hobbit)


Fire is to magnifying glass as

___ is to the Sun.



2, 4, 6, 12, 14, 28, 30

*2, +2, *2, +2, etc.


"There are five children in the Thompson family. Al is older than Colin but younger than Don. Barbara is not the oldest nor the youngest. Ella, the oldest girl, has 2 older brothers. List the children from oldest to youngest." -Quoted from Clementine's extra credit workbook

Don, Al, Ella, Barbara, Colin.


Find the equation: Our construction manager says that 40 men can build 20 rooms in 2 hours. If the crew uses only 5 men, how many hours will it take to build 10 rooms?

40 / 20 = 2 men per 2 hours for 1 room. 2 men per 2 hours for 1 room * 2.5 = 5 men per 5 hours for 2.5 rooms. 5 hours for 2.5 rooms * 4 = 5 men per 20 hours for 10 rooms.