Indirect Proof
Quantificational Theory
More Quantification

The method of indirect proof will be familiar to those of you who have studied this discipline (developed by Euclid).

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"Chicago is windy." Translated into predicate logic is...

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How this statement is represented in quantification: "All skyscrapers are tall."

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In order to save space, logicians sometimes represent the conclusion on this final line.

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Words like “some,” or “there is a,” or “there is at least one” are represented with this quantifier.

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How this statement is represented in quantification: "No diamonds are rubies." 

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Indirect proof often referred to as "reductio ad absurdum" means this.

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A quantificational symbol used to represent words such as “every,” “all,” “anything,” and “everything.”

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An indirect proof is constructed by assuming, as an additional premise, the negation of its conclusion, and then we derive this from the augmented set of premises.

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The basic idea of quantification is to analyze propositions not into subject and predicate, as we’ve been doing with Aristotelian logic, but into these two things.

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We emphasize an indirect proof by placing a line to the left of the numbers that were used and discharging the proof by rewriting the conclusion followed by the steps used and this abbreviation.

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This Boolean translation, "If anything is an S, then it is a P," began with this statement form.

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