Give THREE Ad's
What are the TWO F/A's?
False Analogy
False Dichotomy
It is making assumptions about a whole group but based only on a few examples.
Hasty Generalization
Premise A + Premise B = ________________
As soon as Rodrigo Duterte became our president, our
economy boomed.
Post Hoc
It is when an arguer tries to get people to accept a conclusion by making them feel sorry.
Ad Misericordiam
It is mistakenly believing that two situations or people can be compared.
False Analogy
It is asking a question or making a statement that has an assumption built into it so that it can’t be answered without appearing guilty.
Loaded Question
This car is expensive.
All expensive cars are Ferraris.
This car is a Ferrari.
Is the conclusion valid?
No. It is based on a faulty assumption.
All Taylor Swift fans are either children or teenagers.
Hasty Generalization
It is appealing to popularity or the fact that many people do something as an attempted form of validation.
Ad Populum/Bandwagon
It is when an arguer sets up the situation so it looks like there are only two choices; and between the two, only one is made to look like the option.
False Dichotomy
After she was hired, productivity in the office increased. It must be because of her.
Post Hoc
All cats have four legs.
Garfield is a cat.
What should be the conclusion?
Therefore, Garfield has four legs.
All politicians are corrupt.
Mr. Sanchez is a politician.
Therefore, Mr. Sanchez is corrupt.
Is the syllogism valid?
No. Because it is based on faulty generalization.
The online poll says the majority of people prefer Instagram to Facebook. Instagram must be the best social media platform.
Appeal to Authority/Statistics
"It is either we lessen the population or the earth will be destroyed."
False Dichotomy
Why are you whining about the price of food at the canteen? You should be worried about the poor who can’t afford to eat.
Red Herring
All subjects for the first semester are scheduled every Saturday.
Qualitative Research is offered in the first semester.
Therefore, ______________________________?
Qualitative Research is scheduled every Saturday.
You hypocrite! You eat at fancy restaurants. You cannot
possibly understand the poor.
Ad Hominem
Explain the difference between Ad Hominem (against the person) and Ad Hominem Tu Quoque.
Ad Hominem (against the person) is an argument that attacks a person's traits or characteristics. Ad Hominem Tu Quoque throws the same issue/accusation back to the accuser. "You too!"
People who cannot go without their coffee every morning are no better than alcoholics.
False Analogy
How can one avoid developing an argument with Hasty Generalization?
Are you relying on the opinions or experiences of just a few people, or your own experience in just a few situations? Do you need more evidence or a less sweeping conclusion?
All A are B, and all __ are A, so all C are B.
If you don’t get a good job, you’ll be poor and homeless.
Slippery Slope