Name that Fallacy
Define It!
Lie to Me

Misrepresenting someone’s argument to make it easier to attack.

Straw Man


Ad Hominem

Attacking your opponent’s character/personal traits in an attempt to undermine their argument.


Use the bandwagon fallacy to convince Mr. Kawakami that ketchup is a vegetable.

Everyone at Del Mar believes ketchup is a vegetable, so you should too.


Saying that because an expert thinks something, it must be true.

BONUS: Which rhetorical appeal is this fallacy related to?

Appeal to Authority (Ethos)


False Induction

Presuming that a relationship between things means that one is the cause of the other.


Use the slippery slope fallacy to convince Mr. Kawakami that teachers should not assign homework.

If teachers continue to assign homework, the next thing you know, students will be dropping out of school and the whole public education system will cease to exist.


Claiming that if A happens, then Z will consequently happen too, therefore A should not happen.

Slippery Slope



Validating your argument by explaining that many other people also believe your argument.


Use the false dichotomy fallacy to convince Mr. Kawakami that country music is the best type of music.

You either believe country music is the best type of music or you hate America.


Two alternatives are presented as the only possibilities, when in fact more possibilities exist

False Dichotomy


No True Scottman

Moving the goalposts or making up exceptions to the claim to dismiss relevant criticisms or flaws of an argument.


Use the passive voice fallacy to convince Mr. Kawakami that you deserve an A on an assignment that you didn't turn in.

I should receive on A on the assignment. Although no work was done on this assignment, in the past, I have shown excellent skill mastery.


Presenting a one-sided picture of the argument in order to make your argument seem more persuasive.

Observational Selection


Passive Voice

Using a sentence structure that makes the object of an action into the subject of a sentence.


Use the burden of proof fallacy to convince Mr. Kawakami that aliens live on Pluto.

How do you know aliens don't live on Pluto? You show me proof that there is no sign of life on Pluto, and then I'll believe you.