A fallacy in which the author appeals to the popularity of a practice of concept as a method of persuasion.
What is the Ad Poplulum or Bandwagon Fallacy?
When logic goes from a general rule to a specific conclusion that is always true.
What is deductive reasoning?
A fallacy in which the author has jumped to a conclusion based on insufficient evidence.
What is a hasty generalization?
When logic goes from a specific observation to a general conclusion that may be true.
What is inductive reasoning?
A fallacy in which the author predicts events, usually with a catastrophic conclusion.
What is a slippery slope?
A fallacy in which the author uses an oversimplification of and subsequent attack on the viewpoint of another or the misrepresentation of the viewpoint of another.
What is the Strawman fallacy?
When logic goes from an incomplete observation to a educated guess that may be true.
A fallacy in which the author attempts to anticipate the opposition, but fails because the oppositional point addressed is one of the weakest points.
What is a straw man fallacy?
A fallacy in which the author states a conclusion or reply that does not follow the previous statement in a logical manner.
What is the Non Sequitur fallacy?
A fallacy in which the author attempts to distract the reader from the premise of the argument, often with emotional appeals.
What is a red herring?