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Cheese, Please

Asserting that if we allow A to happen, then B is guaranteed to happen; therefore, A should not happen.

What is slippery slope?


"If magic isn't real, prove it!"

What is burden of proof?


Using personal experience or an isolated incident in order to invalidate actual statistics.

What is anecdotal?


"I've landed heads the past three times I've flipped a coin, so clearly it's going to land heads on the fourth time."

What is the gambler's fallacy?


The most popular recipe involving cheese among Americans involves this classic curvy noodle.

What is macaroni?


Using the position or opinion of a public or important figure in lieu of an actual argument.

What is appeal to authority?


"You either support everything about our cause, or you're clearly on the other side."

What is black-or-white?


This is a type of question posed where you will sound guilty regardless of how you answer it.

What is a loaded question?


"You have an anime profile picture; therefore, you're a weird weeb, and your opinions are invalid."

What is ad hominem?


While the United States mastered the mass production of cheese, the first cheese factory was opened in this once neutral European country.

What is Switzerland?


When you move the "goalposts" of an argument when a claim of yours is proven false, you're using this fallacy.

What is special pleading?


"The 49ers are definitely going to win the Super Bowl because everyone else is betting on them to win!"

What is bandwagon?


Arguing that a compromise is possible between two obvious extremes.

What is middle ground?


"I've already put so much money into this invention, and it keeps failing, but I can't go back now; I've already gone too far!"

What is the sunken cost fallacy?


This particular American pizza franchise goes through 300 million pounds of cheese per year, the most out of any fast food empire. Nobody outpizzas them!

What is Pizza Hut?


Assuming that one part of something has to be applied to all, or at least some, parts of something.

What is composition/division?


"You can't believe what that guy says; he posted it on Tiktok, and everyone knows Tiktok isn't reliable!"

What is genetic?


Deciding that something must not be true because it might be difficult to understand.

What is personal incredulity?


"I'm not paying this ticket because the sign said, 'Fine to park here.' Clearly, that meant it was okay to park there!"

What is ambiguity?


This cultural group of people packs away an average of 57 pounds of cheese per person per year.

Who are the French?


When you lob an opponent's criticism right back at them - sort of like a "No, you are!" argument.

What is tu quoque?


"Americans don't like tea!" "I'm American, and I like tea." "Well, then you're not a real American!"

What is no true Scotsman?


Presuming that an argument is invalid because a logical fallacy may have been used, whether intentionally or not.

What is the fallacy fallacy?


"Pharmaceutical companies are trying to poison you with their medicine! Here, try my homeopathic elixir; it's natural and organic, so it's better for you!"

What is appeal to nature?


This creamy cow's milk yellow cheese accounts for 50-60% of the entire world's cheese consumption...and is used in a lot of puns.

What is gouda?