What Fallacy Is This?
Debate Fallacies 1
Debate Fallacies 2?
Facebook Fallacies

Fallacy that attempts to show a causal relationship between two events.

What is a post hoc/ faulty causality?


[They] fail to protect magnificent law-abiding American citizens, but provide sanctuary and protection for dangerous criminals, many from prisons and mental institutions...

What are scare tactics?


A 12 or 13-year-old survivor of incest being forced to carry a pregnancy to term? They don't want that...

What are scare tactics, OR straw Man, OR overly sentimental?


The Bible is God's word, because is says right in the third chapter of II Timothy that 'all scripture is given by divine inspiration of God.'"

What is begging the question, OR circular reasoning?


A fallacy in which the author has jumped to a conclusion based on insufficient evidence.

What is a hasty generalization?


Fallacy that presents only two options as a solution, even though more options exist. 

What is a false dichotomy/false dilemma/either-or/black-or-white fallacy?


"Wacky @NYTimesDowd, who hardly knows me, makes up things that I never said for her boring interviews and column. A neurotic dope! 

What is an ad hominem fallacy?


"She has a plan to confiscate everybody's gun."

What are scare tactics OR straw man?


“The F.B.I. is so corrupt. We will work with any and every agency to stop leaks and prosecute these crooked deep state agents to the fullest extent of the law,” Ms. Noem posted on social media on Sunday.

What is ad hominem?


A fallacy in which the author predicts events, usually with a catastrophic conclusion.

What is a slippery slope?


Fallacy that compares two things but in doing so simplifies on or both things

What is a faulty analogy OR false analogy?


It is a fact that the body of water off the coast of Louisiana is called the Gulf of America, because that is its name. 

What is begging the question OR circular reasoning?


"She wants everybody to be on government insurance where you wait six months for an operation that you need immediately."

What are scare tactics OR straw man?


People who have to have a cup of coffee every morning before they can function are no different from the alcoholic who can't function without a drink.

What is Faulty Analogy?


Bill Clinton to his questioners:

"I did not have sexual relations with that woman."

What is equivocation?


Fallacy that attacks the person making the argument rather than the argument itself.

What is an ad hominem fallacy?


"If Donald Trump were president, Putin would be sitting in Kyiv right now... Putin would be sitting in Kyiv with his eyes on the rest of Europe. Starting with Poland."

What is slippery slope, OR

What is a scare tactic?


 “I am committed to preserving traditional marriage, the union of one man and one woman.”

Appeal to tradition OR Dogmatism


(in a thread about where to get cheap eggs) 

Don't worry about the price of eggs. Worry about the rights of your daughters.

What is red herring OR non-sequitur.


A fallacy in which the author attempts to distract the reader from the premise of the argument, often with emotional appeals.

What is a red herring?

Fallacy that uses multiple or technical definitions to avoid giving the real or true answer.

What is equivocation?


"Every legal scholar, every Democrat, every Republican, liberal, conservative, they all wanted this issue to be brought back to the states where the people could vote."

What is Bandwagon Fallacy?


They will kill the United Auto Workers and any auto worker, whether it's in Detroit or South Carolina or any other place.

What are scare tactics?



What is bandwagon, or what is stacking the deck?


I don't think we need to mention the bear in the trunk of his car, or the brain worm, to make our point that RFK is unqualified.

What is Paralipses?