What does this logo stand for ?
What does this logo stand for ?
What logo is this?
What store sells everything really cheaply and has the business name in its logo
The Reject Shop
What does this logo stand for ?
(A) Ford (B) Toyota
What does this logo stand for ?
Dairy Queen
What does this logo stand for ?
X Box
What does this logo stand for ?
What store has a red and black logo and sells video games?
(A) Honda (B) Hyundai
What does this logo stand for ?
Domino's Pizza
What logo is this?
What company logo is this?
Prepare for trouble.
And make it double.
To protect the world from devastation.
Hint: Pokemon, two humans and a cat.
Team Rocket
(A)Chevrolet (B) Toyota
What food logo is this?
What is this logo stand for?
What does this logo stand for ?
Foot Locker
This candy bars catch phrase is "_______ satisfies"
What does this logo stand for?
(A) Mercedes-Benz (B) Dodge
How can logo connect with our personality?
A logo connects to how we see the quality of ourselves, such as: Sporty, Kind, Homebody, curious, nurturing, adventurous.
What is the purpose or intention behind having a Triangle Logo Design?
What is the purpose/intention for having a square logo design
The intention/purpose of having a square logo is to represent the brand as trustworthy or solid
What is the purpose of having a round logo?
The purpose is to represent unity or uniform
name one colour and the intention behind the colour
It can be red, which is symbolic for adventure.
It can be blue, which represents calmness or clarity
It can be brown, which represent earth or home
It can be black and white, which represents professionalism