In short, truth is that which corresponds to this.
What is its object?
What is reality?
Premise 1 of the Cosmological Argument for God states that "Everything that begins to exist had a" this.
What is a cause?
What are the original three languages used to write the Bible?
What are Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek?
Muhammad was born in 570 AD in this city.
What is Mecca?
Young Earth Creationist insist on a more literal reading of Genesis. They believe God created the universe in this amount of time.
What is six 24-hour days?
This law of logic states that two opposing statements cannot both be true.
What is the Law of Noncontradiction?
This famous scientist created a Theory of Relativity, which demands an absolute beginning for time, space and matter in the universe.
Who was Albert Einstein?
The first five books of the Old Testament are known as this in Hebrew?
What is the Torah?
Muhammad claims to have received revelations from God (later written down and collected to form the Qur'an) from this angel.
Who was Gabriel?
According to Darwinism, these two mechanisms account for change between organisms over time. They are random ________ and natural _________ .
What are random mutation and natural selection?
This view insists that truth is constructed and relative. It is skeptical of objective truth and explanations which claim to be valid for all groups and cultures.
What is postmodernism?
This argument for the existence of God insists in its first premise that the fine-tuning of the universe is due to either physical necessity, chance or design.
What is the Teleological Argument?
In order to determine the reliability of ancient documents, scholars use the "Bibliographic Test." The two criteria for this test are the 1) closeness in ______ for the manuscripts to when it was originally penned and 2) the ______ of surviving manuscripts.
What are time and number?
Name three of the five pillars of Islam?
What are the confession, prayer, fasting, almsgiving and the pilgrimage to Mecca.
Panspermia is a theory that suggests that ______ deposited the first life here on earth,
What are aliens?
This concept uses general truths and makes specific conclusions that logically follow. Example: All men are mortal. Socrates is a man. Therefore, Socrates is mortal.
What is deduction?
Some claim that suffering in the world proves that God does not exist. But Christians believe that God has a bigger plan that we cannot always see, even in suffering. For example, this man from the OT told his brothers, "Don't be afraid. Am I in the place of God? You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives."
These were first discovered in 1947 in caves and included 223 Hebrew manuscripts that were 95% identical to existing Bible texts.
What are the Dead Sea Scrolls?
This group of Muslims (predominant in Iran) believe that Muhammad's successor should come from the bloodline of Muhammad. He should not be elected.
Who are the Shi'ites?
This theory claims that evolution - a completely undirected, mindless process - is insufficient to explain all the wonders of life on earth. It is not directly connected to any religious text.
What is Intelligent Design?
These are false arguments disguised as logic. Examples include Slippery Slope, Straw Man and ad Hominem (attacking the person).
What are logical fallacies?
Name one of the four fundamental forces of the universe?
What is gravity?
What is the electromagnetic force?
What is the weak nuclear force?
What is the strong nuclear force?
There are approximately this many surviving (extant) manuscripts of the Greek New Testament in existence today?
What is 5,800 (or 6,000)?
This concept from the Qu'ran means "to struggle" or "to strive" and provides much of the justification for Islamic terrorist acts against non-Muslims.
What is jihad?
This is the observation that small-scale changes occur within the various types of organisms. For example, bacteria strains becoming resistant to antibiotics.
What is Microevolution?