How many minions does it take to hit level 2?
7 minons!
How much cs do you get for a full clear?
24 (12 for red & 12 for blue)
Fakers zed out play on Ryu is well know but what champ did Ryu play?
How many items does B.F Sword build in to?
(BT, GA, IE & Terminus)
How many ways can you proc the support item in seasaon 14?
3 ways
Tower, Champ & Minion
Which traditional top lane champ has the most skins?
Before the red & blue we have now what diffrence was there between blue and red
Red had higher Armor and lower MR
Blue had higher MR and lower Armor
What's the most played mid laner in pro?
2. Azir
3. Ryze
Bot lane use to be played top side, why isn't it anymore?
Top Tower takes less damage then mid/bot tower
How many wards can you carry?
9 total
4 support item
2 standard
3 control wards with vigilant Wardstone
How much gold do you get from first tower pre 14 min
775 gold
If you auto attack a camp how many attacks does the pet do?
2 attacks
Mid lane got bigger if a enemy jungler comes to gank though river when do you see him?
A bit past the bush (PNG)
What conditions have to be meet for every other wave to be a cannon wave?
The time has to be over 20:00 min
Out of the top 15 highest win rate support champs how many are melee?
6 champs
Sion, Garen, Gragas, Udyr, Nocturne
Before jungle pokemon what colors of smite did we have?
Red, Blue, Green & Purple
You buy Void staff first and then Cryptbloom how much Magic pen do you have?
40% from Void
(Magic pen don't stack)
How many buggs has Mordekaisers R had?
180+ (data from 2017)
There's 2 champs who can dance with jungle camps which 2?
Popstar Ahri
The first tournament had a price pool of 100 000 dollar how much was it in season 2?
5 000 000 dollar
Static shiv is back!!! What was added/removed when it came back?
New = 50ad / 30% attackspeed / 20% Crit
Old = 35% attackspeed / 25% Crit / 7% movment speed
Who out of these aren't a support player?
Hylissang, Mikyx, Yellow star, Keria, Wolf, Abbedagge
Abbedagge (Na midlaner)