Named after her maternal grandmother, Lola's middle name is this
This season 7 queen is obsessed with chickens
Miss Fame
This A list Celebrity and an Alliterate Model who codes
the characters from riverdale are based off these popular 50's comics
The archie comics
This American woman has taken over the media, because she refuses to leave this country
The first school Lola ever attended was named for a legendary female educator
Kiker Elementary
Dida Ritz sent home this queen in the legendary "This Will be" lipsync in season 4
The Princess
These 2 ladies met at the Robichaux's Academy for Exceptional Young Ladies in 2014
These 2 members of the core 4 are the only 2 to never share a kiss
Jughead and Archie
Alex, Dashauwn, and Harlee are all kids in this big tik tok family
The doughtery dozen
This debate teacher was Lola's enemy freshman year
Ms Cooney
Dax Exclamation point is the drag mother of this queen
Violet Chachki
These two Nevermore roommates have monster high dolls of their likenesses
This character declares "It's not queerbaiting, It's saving the world."
Veronica Lodge
This tiktok persona is famous for her viral prank calls
Cassandra Bowman
The last names of these 2 blonde celebrities make up the username of lola's favorite twitter user. One of the celebrities shares a birthday with both Trudy and the twitter user.
This queen came into some controversy over her less than impressive princess wigs
Vivienne Pinay
Fittingly Cassandra Gay Peterson is the name of this mistress who recently reveled she had been in a gay relationship for the past 2 decades
In the original pilot script this character used a hearing aid
this superfans home recently burned down
club chalamet
Lola's kindergarden birdlike boyfriend
Miz Cracker speaks wolof, which is a language spoken in this African country
Laurel Hoffman of the L word fame played gay in this 9 word love story
The incredibly true adventures of 2 girls in love
The devil comes to Riverdale under this alliterate name
Percival Pickens
Maga Tik Tok star Michelle the Bartender works in this Charlotte Bar
Two Buck Saloon