Where does the British King live?
In Buckingham Palace
Which two tragedies struck the City in 1066?
Great Plague
Great Fire
What is the name of a Gothic Cathedral where kings and queens and some famous people are burried?
Westminster Abbey
What is the name of London underground?
The Tube
What is the name of the highest building in London?
The Shard
Where are crown jewels kept?
the Tower of London
What event does the Monument commemorate?
The Great Fire of London
Where does the British Prime Minister Live?
10, Downing Street
When was the Tower Bridge built (century)
19th century
What is the name of a replica of hte Shakespeare´s theatre?
The Globe
What animals are connected with the Tower of London? Tell us the legend.
Ravens – they mustn’t leave, otherwise the Kingdom would fall apart, as the legend says
What is the name of the famous Baroque cathedral in the City of London with a big dome?
St Paul‘s Cathedral
What do people call the big tower which is a part of the Westminster Palace?What is its real name?
Big Ben/Elizabeth´s Tower
What pedestrian bridge connects the City and Southbank near the Tate modern gallery?
Millenium Bridge
Which London attraction can you see if you look across the River Thames from the Palace of Westminster?
London Eye
Where are British kings and queens crowned?
Westminster Abbey
Who was the architect of St Paul‘s Cathedral?
Sir Christopher Wren
Whose statue is in the middle of Trafalgar Square? What is the person famous for?
Admiral Nelson, he defeated Napoleon at the Battle at Trafalgar
Name 3 London airports
Name 3 London galleries
National Gallery
National Portrait Gallery
Tate London
Tate Modern
Who was the first monarch to reside at Buckingham Palace?
Queen Victoria
When was the Tower of London built?
11th century
What is the name of the street where government offices are situated?
The Whitehall
What are the four main parts of London called?
the City
The City of Westminster
the West End
the East End
Name 3 London Parks
Hyde Park
Green Park
Regentś Park
Kensington Garden