Large capacity memory for experience and information accumulated throughout your lifetime.
What is long-term memory?
Taking in information.
What is Encoding?
Deep, meaningful processing of information leads to more accurate recall than shallow, sensory kinds of processing.
What are Levels-of-processing approach?
When asked directly to remember information.
What is an Explicit memory task?
Memory for personal events.
What is Episodic Memory?
Keeping info in memory.
What is Storage?
How stimulus differs from other memory traces.
What is Distinctiveness?
When memory is assessed indirectly.
What is an Implicit memory task?
Organizational knowledge about the world.
What is Semantic Memory?
Taking out information; Locating information in memory storage and accessing that information.
What is Retrieval?
How stimulus relates and connects with other material.
What is Elaboration?
Recent exposure to word increases likelihood you’ll think of that word when given a cue that could evoke many different words.
What is a Repetition Priming Task?
Knowledge about how to do something.
What is Procedural Memory?
When we remember more if we relate the information to ourselves.
What is the Self-reference effect?
When a variable has large effects on Test A, but little or no effects on Test B.
What is Dissociation?
Recall is better if the context during retrieval is similar to the context during encoding.
What is the Encoding specificity principle?