What vowel patterns help us spell long A?
ai, a_e, a and ay
Build 3 words that end with me: ay
delay, Saturday, stay, sway, Friday, play, May
In the word sweets, what is the vowel pattern you see?
I love sweets.
In this sentence, look for the clues in these two words to figure out the vowel pattern
The baseball player threw the ball and it flew into the field.
K _ _ _
Wh_ _ _
Long U
Build as many words as you can with the ending: ice and ide.
Spice, mice, rice, nice, lice, advice
ride, hide, inside, wide
I am happy and funny.
I am a word that sounds like my ending would be E but it's a Y. What am I?
Baby, happy, tiny, muddy, candy, funny
Pain, main, brain, brainstorm, contain all have a pattern of what?
Build as many igh words as you can
bright, right, delight, brighter, high, light, flight, might, sight, sigh, fight, tight.
Write all the words you see with a vowel pattern and circle and write the pattern.
I wake up and bake a cake with a snake.
wake, bake, cake, snake
My words have endings with oak and oat in them. What words could I be?
Oat- boat, float, goat, coat, float, throat
Oak- soak, croak
We have the vowel pattern of what? Write me and figure out my pattern.
oo cause I sound like long U when you say me
Write this word and underline the vowel pattern you see.
Build words with long I but end with Y.
my, try, sky, July, supply, shy, multiply
Roll a dice to unlock a sentence
1. The kite will fly up high.
2. I had pain in my leg.
3. Put the snail in the pail.
4. I rode the train in the rain.
5. I made a bow.
6. She will create a dog.
Kite, fly, high
snail, pail
rode, train, rain
made, bow
My words have one pattern in them. What could it be? Write it down and circle each word.
beetle, freedom, agreed, needle, sheets, sweets
pig_ _ _ _
This pattern is?
dream, screaming, cleats, cheater, cheats, heater, heat
Build one word for each of these with the vowel patterns of a_e, i_e, u_e, o_e, e_e.
Make each word into a sentence:
I see the bright rainbow in the sky.
I watched the puppy grow.
Guess me. I am a word where my vowel is at the end of a syllable. I am a liquid in a can and I am very fizzy when you drink me. What am I?
lemon_ _ _
sch_ _ _