Central Idea & Relevant Details
Text Features
Summary & Author's Purpose

Based on what you read about Ellen Ochoa’s different responsibilities, what is an inference you can make about an astronaut’s job?

Teacher's discretion on answers.


Page 466: "Working with others is an essential part of being an astronaut and solving problems in space." What does the word essential mean?

Necessary (or something similar to this word)


What is one important detail in the second paragraph?

Ellen Ochoa was inspired to become an astronaut even though few women were at that time.


According to the heading on page 464, how did Ellen Ochoa reach for the stars?

She worked hard to get into the astronaut program.


How does Ellen feel about teamwork? Tell the details you learned in this story.

One or all of the following: 

Ellen feels that teamwork is the key to keeping the space program moving. As an astronaut, she learned about teamwork. Astronauts work together to conduct experiments and build and repair space equipment. On land, they work together to prepare for missions and plan for future space projects.


Why was Ellen not accepted into the astronaut program at first?

She didn't have the right skills.


What does "professional" on page 468 mean?

A person who does a profession/job.


What is one important detail from paragraph 2?

Ellen Ochoa didn’t have military pilot training like other astronauts.


Why do you think the author included the information about these women in the sidebar on page 470?

To help readers understand other ways women have had a big impact on America’s space program.


What does the author write about the space program? Cite evidence from the text to support your answer.

One or all of the following:

The author admires astronauts and thinks that sending people into space is important. In the sidebar on page 464, she describes the import work that NASA does. On page 467, she describes the research Ochoa did in space. The sidebar on page 470 lists achievements of the space program.


Why do you think Ellen studied subjects related to space and worked on space inventions?

To gain the skills and show she could be a good astronaut.


What does a mission specialist do?



What does the information in paragraph two say about Ellen Ochoa?

She was willing to work hard even though there were challenges.


Sidebar on page 470:

What is the book and film Hidden Figures about?

African American women in the space program.


What is the author's purpose of this text -- Persuade, Inform, or Entertain?

To inform.


Why does Ochoa tell students who want to become astronauts to learn to work closely with others?

These activities prepare you for being a team player.


What is payload?

Supplies or equipment


What or who inspired Ellen Ochoa to be an astronaut?

Sally Ride inspired Ellen Ochoa to become an astronaut.


Why did the author include the photograph of the tablet with the heading "An Interview with Ellen Ochoa?"

Teacher's discretion for correct answer choices.


How does the author use photographs and captions to help you understand that goals are important?

The photos and captions show that Ellen worked hard as a student and that she achieved her goal of solving problems related to space travel by helping invent a guide for a robotic arm.


What does a Mission Control worker do? Reread the fifth paragraph on page 466.

Guide the astronauts through the mission and brief them on procedures.


What word tells the reader what Ellen thinks a third grader who wants to become an astronaut should do?



What are some key details in the first three paragraphs of “Space Work is Teamwork”?

Possible answers:

The ground crew inspects and repairs the shuttle. Mission Control guides the astronauts. The members of the space flight crew work together like a sports team and follow their commander’s instructions.


Why did the author include a photograph of Ellen Ochoa playing the flute with the caption that reads "Before becoming an astronaut, Ellen was studying to be a professional musician?"

To show the reader the two things that Ellen loves -- being an astronaut and a musician.


Which two details can you use in a summary of the passage?

Teacher's discretion: Have students write the answers down and do a "show down."