“Fancy thinking the beast was something you could hunt and kill! You knew, didn’t you? I’m part of you? Close, close, close! I’m the reason why it’s a no go? Why things are what they are?”
Lord of the Flies
Who is tending the fire when the parachutist drops in?
Who recite their address?
What does the boys increasing level of violence show?
Describe how Simon views nature versus Jack
Simon appreciates it, usually describe as beauty and peaceful. Jack describes it as being very hot and the ground being hard.
“The conch doesn’t count on the top of the mountain, so you shut up!”
What do the boys confused Simon for?
The beast
What reason did Jack initially give as to why he should be leader at the very beginning?
He can sing a high note
What does Golding use to represents/show the ongoing change of the boys in the novel?
He describes how their cleanliness which becomes less and less. He talks about their hair, clothes, nails.
How does the representation of Piggy's glasses changing throughout the novel?
He lost a lense, which means he "lost" his ability to see / think clearly.
“What I mean is… maybe it’s only us.”
What are the boys view of Castle Rock versus Ralph's view?
The boys loves it. It looks like a fort. Ralph thinks it's a "rotten place".
Who is the only character who knows that the beast was just a parachutist?
This represents the evil within us.
The Lord of the Flies
How does the chant that the hunters say changes from chapter 4 versus chapter 9?
"Kill the pig. Cut her throat. Bash her in" (4)
"Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood!" (9)
Object and pronouns and action
"Why do you hate me?"
What did Piggy’s aunt do for a living?
Candy store
Who is the first to die in the island?
The littlun with the birthmark on his face
What are Golding's views on human nature?
Human have the same potential to be inherently evil, just as some believe humans have the potential to be inherently good.
What is the significant of Simon saying "'You'll get back to where you came from.'"?
“He hates me, I dunno why. If he could do what he wanted—you’re all right, he respects you. Besides—you’d hit him.”
How does Jack challenge / test Ralph's power as chief? (2 examples in chapter 9)
What character plays the role of the pig during the ritual dance?
These characters represent civilization throughout the novel
Ralph and Piggy
What does Jack suggest they do to keep the beast happy?
Leave it some meat / the head.