Chapter 1
How did the boys end up on the island?
A plane crash
What were the little boys afraid of in the beginning?
The Beastie
Who goes off to hunt alone?
What does Jack put on his face?
Clay, Charcoal, Paint
Who are our 4 main characters?
Ralph, Piggy, Jack, Simon
What does Piggy call the smaller children?
The littluns
What weapon does Jack and the hunters use to hunt?
What cleaver idea does piggy suggest?
To make a sundial.
What is the conch? What is used for? What does it represent?
In Lord of the Flies, the boys use a conch to call meetings and also to tell who is speaking.
*It represents order and unity*
What do the boys use Piggy's glasses for? Why do they do this?
To start a fire so they can be rescued by the smoke signal
Describe Jacks FIRST interaction with the pig..and then what happens later?
Jack was too scared to kill the pig at first, he start to turn mad and eventually kills the pig, loving the blood and pain.
What does Piggy want the boys to make? ...
a sundial
Describe the island using 4 MAIN KEY DETAILS from our reading.
Palm Trees
Warm Water
Hot Weather
When the fire turned wild, what happened to the little boy they couldn't find?
He died in the wild fire.
What does Jack think is more important than shelters and fire?
Why couldn't the boys signal the ship that Ralph spotted? What is ralph so angry about?
The hunters let the fire go out.