Chapter 4 Why was Ralph furious with Jack?
the fire went out
Chapter 4 What do Jack and the hunters come back with?
a dead pig
Chapter 4 How did Piggy's glasses break?
Jack hit him
Chapter 4 Why wouldn't Jack let Pigy eat meat?
Because he didn't help hunt
Chapter 5 what was Piggy's great asset?
Chapter 5 Who is Piggy scared of?
Chapter 5 If the beast comes from the sea what do the boys think it might be?
a giant squid
Chapter 5 What do they vote the beast might be?
A ghost
Chapter 6 What falls from the sky?
a dead airman
Chapter 7 List three things Ralph would like to do.
cut hair
take a bath
brush teeth
Chapter 8 What does Jack call the assembly to do?
Replace Ralph as chief
Chapter 9 What did Simon find?
the dead parachutist
Chapter 6 What does Jack think the new place they discovered could be used for?
a fort
Chapter 7 What did Simon volunteer to do?
go back to tell Piggy they would be later than they thought
Chapter 8 What do Jack and his followers offer the beast?
Pig head on a spike
Chapter 9 What 'doesn't count at this end of the island'?
the conch
Chapter 6 What does Ralph say is wrong with it?
lack of water
Chapter 7 What animal does Robert suggest the beast could be?
a frog
Chapter 8 Who does Simon talk to?
The lord of the flies
Chapter 9 What problem does Jack have according to Ralph?
no shelter