This is the reason as to why the boys ended up on an island
Plane crash cause by
Ralph is unhappy in chapter 3 because ___.
No one is helping Simon in building the shelters and all Jack wants to do is hunt.
This character becomes the leader of the hunters but longs for total power and becomes increasingly wild, barbaric, and cruel as the novel progresses.
Who gets to speak at a meeting?
Whoever is holding the conch.
What does the beastie represent?
The concept of the "beastie" represents the unknown and the fear that it creates among the boys.
What do Piggy and Ralph do to gather the scattered boys?
They blow into a conch shell.
Piggy's role in the group is:
Represents the scientific rational side of civilization and is the logical/problem solver of the group.
Where does Jack go after failing to kill a pig, leading to further tension with Ralph?
To the "castle rock" area.
This character in the novel attempts to coordinate the boys' efforts to build a miniature civilization on the island until they can be rescued. He is known as the chief of the group.
What is the littluns' relationship with Ralph as a leader? What is Ralph's initial attitude towards the "beast" when the littluns ask him "What are they going to do about it"?
The littluns partially obey Ralph because he has the conch (which summons them) and "he was big enough to be a link with the adult world of authority". Initially, Ralph is skeptical of the beast's existence and tries to dismiss the idea by stating it is a nightmare.
The conch is symbolic of?
Adult Rules
What kind of literary device is the following quote?
"The heat hit him"
What does the reaction to the piglet being trapped in the creeper reveal about Jack?
Jack wants to be vicious but so far isn't capable.
What is the most important task to Jack? To Ralph?
To Jack the most important task is hunting a pig and to Ralph it is building shelter.
This character dies in the fire at the end of chapter 2 and symbolizes which theme.
A littlun with a mulberry-marked face. His death symbolizes the theme of loss of innocence.
How does Piggy's role in the discussion about the beast contribute to the growing tension between Ralph and Jack?
He tries to reason with them but is disregarded.
What does the signal fire represent?
"Sleep enveloped him like the swathing mirages" is an example of what literary device.
What does Simon do alone in the forest, hinting at his unique character?
He visits a secret clearing.
What is the first thing Jack asks for when he sees Ralph after returning from the jungle?
This character is a naturally "good" character on the island, behaves kindly towards younger boys, and is willing to work for the good of their community. His motivation is rooted in his deep feeling of connectedness to nature. This character is also "always about". Known for sneaking off to his secret place.
How does Jack's failure to kill a pig in Chapter 3 contribute to the conflict with Ralph?
Jack's frustration at not being able to kill the pig leads to him becoming more aggressive and dismissive of Ralph's leadership.
What do Piggy's glasses represent?
Logic and reason
"This sweaty march along the blazing beach had given them the complexions of newly washed plums" is an example of what literary device?
What does the snake-thing/beastie symbolize in the novel? Who introduces the idea of the beastie?
The beastie represents evil, original sin, fear, and/or the negative aspect of human nature. The littlun with the mark on his face.
What is the primary fear that drives the boys' anxieties about the "beast" in Chapter 3?
The unknown.
This character is revealed as a short and fat boy, who wears glasses. He recognizes the need for some semblance of order and thoughtful planning if the boys are to survive on the island without adult supervision. Often seen as an outsider from the rest of the boys, this character shows that he is clearly intelligent and articulate.
What does Jack's intense focus on hunting symbolize in Chapter 3?
Jack's desire for power and control over the group.
What does the scar represent?
The scar left by the plane crash represents the destructive impact of the adult world on the innocence of childhood.
The scar is the destruction left by the plane crash on the island which represents the destructive nature of humanity and how it ruins peace, nature, and beauty.
"The boys were not alone on the island" is an example of what literary device?