Who is responsible for maintaining the signal fire?
The hunters (Jack is their leader)
How does the first boy disappear?
He burns to death when the signal fire ignites the forest
What tool do the boys use to make the fire?
Piggy's glasses
"Better Piggy than Fatty"
What theme does the beast represent?
The power of fear
Who tells Jack where Ralph is hiding in Chapter 12?
Sam and Eric
Who is the only boy to kill someone on the island by himself?
What is the symbol of social order on the island?
What do the kids chant when they reenact the pig killing in chapter seven?
"Kill the pig! Cut his throat! Kill the pig! Bash him in!"
What theme does the killing of Simon represent?
Who knocks the Lord of the Flies to the ground?
On what obstruction does the dead parachutist become tangled?
Jagged rocks
How does Piggy die?
He is crushed by a boulder
What does Jack suggest they use as a pig for their next dance?
A littleun
What theme does the signal fire going out best represent?
The need for social order
Which boy does not dance at Jack's first feast?
What power does Jack ascribe to the beast after Simon's murder?
Immortality and the ability to change shape
What does Jack's crew use to flush Ralph out of the forest?
A fire that burns up the entire island
What does Simon say to Ralph to interrupt his daydreaming in chapter 7?
"You'll get back to where you came from"
What theme does Jack's assertion to use a littleun as a pig best represent?
Who throws rocks at the little uns, intentionally missing?
What is the reason the children get rescued?
The fire that burns the island sets up enough smoke that the naval officer sees them
What object does Ralph clutch when he talks about Simon's murder?
The conch shell
What ironic statement does the naval officer say when he finds the kids on the island? (Chapter 12)
"What have you been doing? Having a war or something?"
What theme does the boys crying at the end of the book best represent?
Loss of Innocence