Main the major characters in the book.
Ralph, Piggy, Simon, Jack, Roger, Sam and Eric
What symbol does the conch represent in the novel?
Civilization / order
Why are the boys trapped on the island
There was a plane crash
What does the word poffer mean?
a proposal offered for acceptance or rejection
What character do we see first?
Who says this "And I’ve been wearing specs since I was three.”
What do the boys use the conch for?
They use the conch to call meetings and to decide who is talking. It is a way to maintain order.
What does the word apprehension mean?
fearful expectation or anticipation
What is one word you can use to describe Ralph and why?
Answers vary
Why was Ralph chosen as chief?
He had the conch
Why were the boys being evacuated (on the plane)?
The were an atomic bomb
What does the word specious mean?
deceptively pleasing
Describe Piggy's personality. Support your answer.
Answers Vary
Whats the job of the choir boys?
Who finds the pilot?
Ralph and piggy
What does the word enmity mean?
a state of deep-seated ill-will
What does Piggy's character represent?
Logic and reason
Who says this "Better Piggy than fatty"
What does the word effulgence mean?
He quality of being bright and sending out rays of light