A fat boy with specs.
Who is Piggy?
Jack's obsession
What is hunting?
What events causes the boys to become stranded on the island?
What is a plane crash?
Who saw the beast first?
Who is the unnamed littlun (mulberry)?
Expresses the "beast" in every human
What is the Lord of the Flies?
Wants to hunt the pigs.
Who is Jack?
Who does Ralph hope will save them?
Who is his dad?
What does Ralph use to call the boys together?
What is the conch shell?
Where was the pilot found?
What is the tree in the top mountain?
Regular people who follow others when there's no enforced structure in society
What are the littluns?
He suggests building a signal fire.
Who is Ralph?
What did Ralph's dad teach him?
What is swimming
How does Simon die?
What is the boys mistaking him for the beast?
Who was mistaken for the beast?
Who are Simon and the pilot parachute?
The hope to be saved from the island
Who helped Ralph and Piggy with the shelters?
Who is Simon?
Jack's most loyal follower
Who is Roger?
What causes the first major fire on the island?
What are the boys letting the fire get out of control?
How did the twins describe the beast?
What are fur, wings, teeth, claws, and eyes?
Reason, logic, and intelligence
What are Piggy's specs?
The littleun that first found the beast and went missing.
Who is Percival
What did Ralph and Jack bond over in the beginning?
What is bullying Piggy?
What tends to make Piggy's asthma act up?
What is picking up logs?
What does the beast symbolize?
What is the inherent evil and fear within the boys?
Isolation; perfect setting for human frailty
What is the island?