What was the 'beast' and how did it get there?
A dead parachutist that blew in.
When was the book written?
A pair of twins who act as one person.
The inherent evil of mankind is symbolized by this.
The Lord of the Flies (pig's head on a stick)
The first kid to die on the island.
the little boy with the birthmark on his face
What are two physical features of the island's land?
trees, rock, mountain, island, reef, platform,
What was considered unimportant by many that actually saved the boys at the end?
The fire
Who rescued the boys in the end?
Where does the book take place?
An uninhabited island
The fear of the unknown is symbolized by this.
The beast
What was the hunter's chant?
"Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood!"
Where was the fire orignially built? Why?
On top of the mountain - so smoke would be spotted (rescue)
The power of knowledge and rationality is symbolized by this object (and its owner).
Piggy's Glasses
Whose death coincided with the smashing of the conch?
What two things do the boys eat on the island?
fruit & pork
Who figures out what the 'beast' really is?
Civilization vs. chaos is symbolized by this object.
The conch