A pristine paradise/Garden of Eden
What is the island?
Represents chaos, destruction, power
Represents smaller countries without power that go along with or are pushed around by larger (more powerful) countries
What is littluns?
Represents brute force, pure evil
Who is Roger?
Represents Civilization, law & order, unity
What is the conch shell?
Represents Savagery and dictatorship
Who is "Jack"?
Represents fun, community, civilization
What is the lagoon (bathing)?
Represents goodness, saintliness, A Christ-like figure
Who is Simon?
Represents the result of the fall of mankind/humanities' sin nature
A barometer of the hope of rescue/connection to the outside world
What is the Signal Fire?
Represents larger countries with power that can take advantage of smaller countries
What is Biguns?
Represents Beelzebub, Satan/Evil
What is the Lord of the Flies?
Represents logic, reason and rationalism
Who is Piggy?
Represents Fear
What is "the beastie"/"Snake thing"?
Represents the need for order and reason when using technology/science
What is Piggy's specs?
Represents the pervasive presence of war, an inability to keep peace
What is the plane, the parachutist, the battleship?
Represents Isolation
What is the open sea/ocean?
Represents democracy, order and civilization
Who is Ralph?
Represents concealed identity/savagery