The blade carried by Elendil in his battle with Sauron during the Siege of Barad-dur. It's shard was used by Isildur to cut the One Ring from the hand of Sauron. Later it was known as "the blade that was broken."
What is Narsil?
An orphaned hobbit who was raised in Buckland until he moved to Hobbiton where he lived with his "uncle" Bilbo.
Who is Frodo Baggins?
Kingdom of the horse lords to whom the men of Gondor call for aid via the beacons which span across the White Mountains.
What is Rohan?
Elvin Realm ruled by Elrond in the events of the Lord of the Rings. The Fellowship is formed here and departs for Mordor.
What is Rivendell?
Character who actually throws rocks that disrupts the Watcher in the Water outside of Moria's western gate, though in the films the rocks are thrown by Merry and Pippin.
Who is Boromir?
Blade used by Bilbo Baggins in his battle with the Spiders of Mirkwood. Later, it was carried by Frodo Baggins during the events of the Lord of the Rings.
What is Sting?
Relatives of Bilbo Baggins who never forgave him for living so long, since it prevented them from living in Bag End.
Who are the Sackville-Baggins?
I give Hope to men, I have kept none for myself.
What are the final words of Aragorn's mother, to her son?
Dwarven city in the Misty Mountains. Its original name was Khazad-dum.
What is Moria?
In the films, this event occurs as Elrond travels to meet Aragorn at Dunharrow, though it actually occurred much earlier.
What is Aragorn's receipt of Anduril?
The sword that was forged from the shards of Narsil and carried by Aragorn in the Third Age.
What is Anduril, the Flame of the West?
Hobbits who spent significant time in Fangorn Forrest with the Ent, Treebeard. As a result of their drinking from the Ent-draught, they became the tallest hobbits in history.
Who are Meriadoc "Merry" Brandybuck and Peregrin "Pippin" Took?
The group of which Aragorn is chieftain at the beginning of the events of the Lord of the Rings
What are the Dunedain?
This elf and this dwarf were the two greatest craftsmen of the second age. Together, they constructed the Doors of Durin, which were the western entrance into the Dwarven city of Khazad-dum or, as it was later known, Moria.
Who is Celebrimbor, Lord of Eregion, and Narvi the Dwarf?
Actual gift given to Samwise Gamgee by the Lady Galadriel as the Fellowship departs Lothlorien, though in the films he is given rope.
What is a bag of dirt?
Sword forged in Goldolin in the First Age and carried by King Turgon. Later, it was found by the 12 dwarves and Bilbo Baggins after their encounter with the trolls and carried by Gandalf during the events of the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings.
What is Glamdring?
Hobbit who received a bag of dirt from Lady Galadriel as the Fellowship departed Loth-Lorien.
Who is Samwise Gamgee?
Island kingdom given to the noble men of the First Age who fought alongside the Elder in the Wars of Beleriand against Morgoth. Elros, twin brother of Elrond of Rivendell, was its first king.
What is Numenor?
Gift given by the Lady Galadriel to Gimli the dwarf as the Fellowship departed Lothlorien. She had refused to give this same gift to Feanor, the great smith, when he had asked her thousands of years before.
What are hairs from her head?
Name of chapter that takes place near the end of the Two Towers book, which involves a large spider, though it takes place halfway through the third film.
What is Shelob's Lair?
Type of blade used by the Witch King of Angmar to stab Frodo atop Weathertop. Athelas, or Kingsfoil, was used to slow the poisonous effects of this blade.
What is a Morgul Blade?
Game invented when a horse-riding Hobbit named Bandobras Took knocked the head of the goblin king clean off with a wooden club. The head flew threw the air for 100 yards and fell down a rabbit hole.
What is golf?
Name of the golden hall, in the capital city, Edoras, of the Kingdom of Rohan.
What is Meduseld?
Elves which came to Middle-Earth from Valinor after Morgoth stole the Silmarils. Among their number are Feanor, Galadriel, Gil-galad, and Celebrimbor.
Who are the Noldor?
The absolute worst adaptation of Tolkein's world.
What is Amazon's Rings of Power