Name one of the names given to lord Shiva
Mahadeva, Isanah, Gaurishah, Nilakantah, Maheshvara, Gangadarah, Sankara
What is the symbol of Lord Siva?
I am the lord of dance
The circle of flames around Nataraja represents...
cycle of creation, birth and death
Name the teacher form of Lord Siva
I am the top part of the Sivalinga
Rudra Bhaga
I am held in the matted locks of Lord Siva
I am on the Lord's head and reminds us to ...
keep our head cool. Remove and put away our anger when it arises.
Apasmara - Baby demon
Food or any gift items distribute to devotees after it has been offered to God
I followed this king through his kingdom to wash the Ashesh on earth
King Bhagirath
I was turned into ashes by Lord Narayana
Why is lord Daksinamurti facing the South?
I am the bottom part of the Sivalinga
I am damaru and in one of the hands of Lord Siva. I represent...
Sound and creation
The snake garland reminds us to...
keep the mind under perfect control so it is quiet within and without any agitations.
Why does Lord Dakshinamurti have his foot on Apasmara
To destroy the ego in us
Devotees of Lord Siva wear this on their forehead
I am in one of the hands of lord Siva and represent destruction/dissolution
The Holy Ash worn by the lord called Vibhuti represents.
destruction of evil thoughts and protects us from ill health