Name a Wrestler turned actor
John Cena/Dave Bautista/The Rock
Name 1 of the Big 3 anime
One Piece/Naruto/Bleach
Name one of the Infinity Stones
Raka Raka made violent videos with what mascot
Ronald Mc Donald
What was John Cena first gimmick
A Rapper
What was the crossover arena fighter game called that came out in 2019
Jump Force
Which Movie first shown a infinity stone
Captain America: The First Avenger
Which Fast food place is come out with a console
How many wins did Undertaker have intill streak ended
Which series has surpassed Batman in all time sales
One Piece
Which OG Avenger has the oldest Movie without a sequel
The Hulk
What Burger King item was believed to turn you into a Woman
The Impossible Whopper
Who won the first Andrew The Giant Battle Royal
Which manga has surpassed One Piece in sales in 2019
Demon Slayer/Kimetsu No Yaiba
Who was the original actor for Rhodey
Terrance Howard
Name a State (Besides California) that has a In n Out
Nevada, Arizona, Utah and Texas
Who invented the Money In The Bank match
(Double)What is the current oldest on going series in anime/manga
Jojo Bizarre Adventure (1983)
Who was the Final Boss of Doctor Strange
Which Celebrity meal has A Big Mac (no pickles), medium fries, and a Mc Flurry
J Balvin