Loreleis favorite color
What is Purple/Blue/ or Pink
Loreleis least favorite food
What is Peanut Butter
Birthday girls full name(must be spelt CORRECTLY)
Who is Lorelei Jean Matthews
How many teeth lorelei has lost
What lorelei wants to be when she is older
What is a baker
Loreleis favorite food
Loreleis Least favorite holiday
What is Valentines day
The day of the week lorelei was born on
what is monday
What did lorelei eat and have to much off and we now call ____ Night
What is Meatball
The college Lorelei wants to go to
What is Harvard
Loreleis favorite singer
Who is Taylor Swift
Lorleleis least favorite Video game
What is Fall guys
The city lorelei was born in
What is Durham
The Styles of dance lorelei has done (must name at least 2)
What is Ballet, Hip-Hop, Jazz
Where lorelei wants to live when she grows up
What is Greenville South carolina
Loreleis favorite show
What is Modern Family
Loreleis least favorite bevarage
What is cranberry Juice
Lorelei ate a lot this medicine off the floor when she was two....
What is Melotonin
What color hairbrush lorelei has
What is Pink
Loreleis dream pet
What is a persian cat
Loreleis favorite flower
What is a rose
Loreleis least favorite TV show
What is Blaze and the monster Macheine
Loreleis halloween costume 4 years ago
What is Pikachu
Loreleis Height
What is 4'11
Loreleis dream house
What is a luxury mansion